Wednesday 16 November 2016

Here We go, The Free Pattern of Beautiful Sunflower Amigurumi ^^

"ya..Hamtaro tidur, Hamtaro tidur dimana saja...
Apa yang paling dia senangiiiii.... Biji bunga Matahariiii ^^"

Cie.. yang bacanya sambil nyanyi. hehehe. 
Ayoo cunghand yang suka bunga matahari???

Sunflowers atau dalam bahasa latin Helianthus merupakan salah satu jenis bunga yang cukup populer di kalangan masyarakat. Bunga matahari memiliki filosofi kesetiaan. cie. karena senantiasa mengikuti arah datangnya sinar matahari (itusih fototropisme ya gengs .. hihihi). Lengkapnya cek disini deh.

Sudahlah.. tak usah banyak intro, langsung saja kita bahas tutorial membuat bunga matahari rajut ^^
Siapa yang sudah siap? hayuuk check it out!


Local cotton yarn (brown, yellow, green)
Polyester fiber (a.k.a dakron)
Tapestry needle


Brown Ball (Brown yarn)
R1: Magic ring 6 single crochet (6)
R2: Inc *6 (12)
R3: 1 sc, 1 inc (18)
R4: 2 sc, 1 inc (24)
R5: 3 sc, 1 inc (30)
R6: 4 sc, 1 inc (36)
R7-11: Sc in each around (36)
R12: 4 sc, decrease (30)
R13: 3 sc, decrease (24)
R14: 2 sc, decrease (18)
*Start stuffing
R15: 1 sc, dec (12)
R16: Dec (6)

Flower Crown (Yellow yarn)
R1: Ch 43
R2: Sc at the second chain from hook, 41 sc.
R3: Turn around, (ch 10 then 9 hdc, slip stitch at the third stitch)*14
Fasten off and leave a long tail  to sew onto the Brown Ball.

Leaf (Green Yarn)
R1: Magic ring 6 single crochet (6)
R2: Sc around (6)
R3: 1 sc, 1 inc (9)
R4: Sc around (9)
R5: 2sc, 1 inc (12)
R6: 3 sc, 1 inc (15)
R7: 4 sc, 1 inc (18)
R8: 5 sc, 1 inc (21)
R9: sc around (21)
R10: 6 sc, 1 inc (24)
R11-15: Sc around for 5 rows (24)
R16: 6 sc, 1 dec (21)
R17-R19: Sc around for 3 rows (21)
R20: 5 sc, 1 dec (18)
R21-22: Sc around for 2 rows
R23: 4 sc, 1 dec (15)
R24-26: Sc around for 3 rows
Leave a long tail for sew

a. Use wire to make a stem
b. Assemble the leaves about three pieces

And.. here is mine ^^

uthe with sunflo ^^


see you on next project

Here We go, The Free Pattern of Beautiful Sunflower Amigurumi ^^

"ya..Hamtaro tidur, Hamtaro tidur dimana saja...
Apa yang paling dia senangiiiii.... Biji bunga Matahariiii ^^"

Cie.. yang bacanya sambil nyanyi. hehehe. 
Ayoo cunghand yang suka bunga matahari???

Sunflowers atau dalam bahasa latin Helianthus merupakan salah satu jenis bunga yang cukup populer di kalangan masyarakat. Bunga matahari memiliki filosofi kesetiaan. cie. karena senantiasa mengikuti arah datangnya sinar matahari (itusih fototropisme ya gengs .. hihihi). Lengkapnya cek disini deh.

Sudahlah.. tak usah banyak intro, langsung saja kita bahas tutorial membuat bunga matahari rajut ^^
Siapa yang sudah siap? hayuuk check it out!


Local cotton yarn (brown, yellow, green)
Polyester fiber (a.k.a dakron)
Tapestry needle


Brown Ball (Brown yarn)
R1: Magic ring 6 single crochet (6)
R2: Inc *6 (12)
R3: 1 sc, 1 inc (18)
R4: 2 sc, 1 inc (24)
R5: 3 sc, 1 inc (30)
R6: 4 sc, 1 inc (36)
R7-11: Sc in each around (36)
R12: 4 sc, decrease (30)
R13: 3 sc, decrease (24)
R14: 2 sc, decrease (18)
*Start stuffing
R15: 1 sc, dec (12)
R16: Dec (6)

Flower Crown (Yellow yarn)
R1: Ch 43
R2: Sc at the second chain from hook, 41 sc.
R3: Turn around, (ch 10 then 9 hdc, slip stitch at the third stitch)*14
Fasten off and leave a long tail  to sew onto the Brown Ball.

Leaf (Green Yarn)
Start: Make 15 Chain
a. Slip stitch at the second stitch from hook
b. 2 single crochet
c. 2 half double crochet
d. 2 double crochet
e. 5 Treble crochet
f. 2 double crochet
g. 1 half double crochet
h. 3 double crochet (at the same stitch)
i.  2 single crochet
j. 2 half double crochet
k. 2 double crochet
l. 5 Treble crochet
m. 2 double crochet
n. 1 half double crochet

a. Use wire to make a stem
b. Assemble the leaves about three pieces

And.. here is mine ^^

uthe with sunflo ^^


see you on next project

Monday 14 November 2016

Cute Doodoomong

Hai hai crafter! あはよう!

Ada yang tau doodoomong? hmm kalo penggemar K-Drama pasti tau doong. Boneka cute yang jadi salah satu fokus perhatian para penonton drama "oh my venus" ini berhasil membuat penonton tergila gila ingin memilikinya *ish mulai hiperbola.

Mau punya doodoomong?
Buat aja yuk!


Peach yarn (I used local cotton yarn)
Hakpen (I used no.3/4)
Fiber fill
Tapestry needle

Here is the free pattern, check it out !

Head and Body

R1: Magic ring (6 single crochet)
R2: Increase *6 (12)
R3: 1 sc, 1 inc (18)
R4: 2 sc, 1 inc (24)
R5: 3 sc, 1 inc (30)
R6-9 : Sc in each around (30)
R10: 4 sc, 1 inc (36)
R11: Sc in each around (36)
R12: 4 sc, decrease (30)
R13: 3 sc, decrease (24)
R14: 2 sc, decrease (18)
R15: Sc in each around (18)
R16: 2 sc, 1 inc (24)
R17: 3 sc, 1 inc (30)
R18: 4 sc, 1 inc (36)
R19: 5 sc, 1 inc (42)
R20: 6 sc, 1 inc (48)
R21-25: Sc in each around (48)
R26: 7 sc, 1 inc (54)
R27:Sc each stitch
R28: 7 sc, dec (48)
R29: 6 sc, dec (42)
R30: 5 sc, dec (36)
R31: 4 sc, dec (30)
R32: 3 sc, dec (24)
*Start stuffing
R33: 2 sc, dec (18)
R34: 1 sc, dec (12)
R35: Dec (6)

Arms (Make 2)

R1: Magic ring (6)
R2: Inc *6 (12)
R3: 1 sc, inc (18)
R4-R7: Sc in each around (18)
R8: 1 sc, dec (12)
R9-20: Sc in each around (12)
Fasten off and leave a long tail  to sew onto the body

Legs (Make 2)
R1: Magic ring (6)
R2: Inc *6 (12)
R3: 1 sc, inc *6 (18)
R4-R5: Sc in each around (12)
Fasten off and leave a long tail  to sew onto the body

1. Untuk detail bagian perutnya, ute menggunakan kain flanel
2. Buat aksesories sesuka hatimu ya gengs, kalau ute sih buat dasi kupu-kupu, pita sama celemek bayi
3. Kamu bisa nambahin efek blushing di pipi doodoomong menggunakan eyeshadow atau blush on. Biar ada manis-manisnya gitu ^^

Nah, sekarang waktunya TAKE ACTION!

 がんばってください ^^

Ini doodoomong yang ute buat gengs! Tadaa

Happy Family Doodoomong

Note: Kalau mau yang praktis, kalian bisa order di ute ^ . ^
Check aja di IG (unikarya). For further information, please ask me (085215626699)

Happy crafting
See ya

Warm Regards,

Ute ^^


 Kamis, 5/7/2019, ute kena tipu sama sekomplotan penipu dengan modus BURUNG BEO GAESS ! Perasaannya campur aduk gitu sih ya. Antara gak nya...